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Color picker from image

If for most mammals the world around us is black and white, then a person sees it in all the variety of colors and shades. We encounter a multicolored palette every day as we watch green foliage, blue skies, yellow sunrises and pink sunsets. The ability to distinguish one color from another is necessary for us in everyday life, for example, to cross the road at a traffic light, or not to confuse a hot water tap with a cold one.

A Brief History of Color Theory

For the first time, the theory of colors was described by the ancient Greeks, who managed to understand their main essence - being in the interval between light and darkness. In ancient Greece, the main colors were considered not 7 (as today), but only 4 - corresponding to the elements: fire, water, air and earth. Darkness was already considered by the Greeks not as a color, but as its complete absence, which is fully consistent with modern theory.

Isaac Newton decomposed light into 7 colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet) in 1704. He was the first to draw an analogy between the light flux and the sound octave, and determined that the first color in the spectrum refers to the last (in intensity) in a ratio of 1:2.

In 1810, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe in his book The Theory of Color (Zur Farbenlehre) depicted a color circle of three primary colors - red, blue and yellow, at the intersection of which there were three additional ones - orange, green and purple. It was Goethe who first put forward the theory that with a certain mixture, any shade can be created from the three main ones - red, yellow and blue.

Research on the light spectrum continued, and in 1839 Michel Eugene Chevreul created a color hemisphere with an afterimage effect. It lies in the fact that if you look at the green part of the palette for a long time, and then look at the white part, it will subjectively appear reddish. This is due to the fatigue of the eye receptors that capture the green part of the spectrum.

The modern HSV color model, used on all digital displays, appeared at the beginning of the 20th century thanks to the artist Albert Henry Munsell. Then it was presented in the form of a "Munsell tree", where the definition of colors and shades depended on spatial coordinates (the axes of brightness and saturation).

Interesting facts

  • Statistically, the world's favorite color is blue. It is liked by 40% of people, and, according to scientists, helps to calm the nervous system.
  • Furniture and decoration in catering establishments most often has a yellow and orange color. These colors, when properly lit, not only make food more appetizing, but also promote the production of gastric juice.
  • Pink tones have the most beneficial effect on the human psyche. They calm the nerves, reduce the level of aggression and stress. Therefore, pink is often used in the interior decoration of correctional institutions, orphanages, schools, and other social facilities.
  • The most unpleasant shade for the human eye is Pantone 448 C (according to the international classification), also known as "the ugliest color in the world." Visually, it looks like a mixture of excrement and swamp slurry, and evokes the most unpleasant associations. This feature is actively used in Australia, coloring cigarette packages in Pantone 448 C shade, which has already led to a noticeable decrease in demand for tobacco products.
  • In retirement, Emerson Moser, Crayola's chief wax crayon molder, admitted after 37 years that he was colorblind and unable to distinguish colors.
  • The human eye can distinguish many shades of green, and it is this color that is used in all night vision devices.
  • Actually, the sun's rays are pure white. The atmosphere of the Earth, which refracts the light flux, makes them yellow.
  • Yellow markers are the most common, as they do not create shadows when photocopying.

Summing up, it is worth noting that according to Planck's quantum theory, light is a stream of indivisible portions of energy: quanta and photons. In 1900, this theory became revolutionary for science, but today corpuscular-wave dualism is additionally added to it. That is, light can be not only a stream of elementary quantum particles, but also a wave with electromagnetic properties.

It is the length of light electromagnetic waves that determines what color we see: from purple (400 millimicrons) to red (700 millimicrons). The human eye can only distinguish colors in this range - from 400 to 700 microns. It is noteworthy that objects / objects themselves do not have any color, and this feeling is subjective. So, if we see a red rose, it only means that its molecular structure absorbs all light electromagnetic waves except for the red spectrum, which is reflected from it and captured by our vision.

Color palette from image

Color palette from image

It's hard to argue with the fact that colors and shades can affect a person's mood and feelings in different ways. Red is subconsciously associated with aggression, blue (indigo) with calmness and peace, and yellow and orange with warmth and comfort. These “color” features are widely used in the design field: when decorating interiors, exteriors, furniture, clothing, etc. How to learn how to choose and use colors correctly, based on existing developments?

How to choose colors

In ancient times, people could rely on a very limited variety of paints/pigments. They were mined from minerals and plants, and made up a meager palette of 5-10 shades. But today there are thousands of them, and even the basic RAL palette (Reichs-Ausschuss fur Lieferbedingungen) includes 215 primary colors. On the one hand, this opens up wide opportunities for creative people, and on the other hand, it makes it difficult to choose between certain shades.

Some designers try tones and midtones at random, and sometimes get unexpected unique results, while others do not want to rely on luck and appreciate the scientific approach. For the second category of people, there are proven color matching methods that designers and decorators have been using for decades:

  • Use ready-made palettes around you. Nothing is more pleasing to the eye than natural beauty, and a successful shot of a sunset, sea or forest can be the basis for a future color palette. Evaluate the resulting photo, compare the shades, and choose from them those that are best in harmony with each other. Further compilation of the "working" palette is just a matter of technique.
  • Use the color wheel, taking inspiration from world famous artists. For example, Marc Chagall stated that: "All colors are friends of their neighbors, and lovers of their opposites." This means that neighboring shades on the color wheel (for example, blue and cyan, or yellow and lemon) are best in harmony with each other. And for a beautiful contrast, it is better to select their “opposites” located on the other side of the circle.
  • Use the professional experience of designers. They, like no one else, know how to use color, and embody this skill in unique and inimitable design styles. One of the “golden” rules of designers is to use 60% of the main/dominant color in the design, 30% of shades that are friendly to it, and 10% of shades that contrast with it. It is impossible to “crush” the palette and use more than 2-3 contrasting shades at the same time, and this will rather create chaos than color harmony.
  • Keep good examples. In the process of selecting shades, you will, one way or another, accumulate “baggage” of successful color combinations. They can also be found in everyday life: on objects of painting, in photographs, on the Internet. Take photos of successful color combinations and use them in the future - when the need arises to create a similar design style.
  • Use the Pantone fan - as an alternative to the color wheel. When the latter fails, you can use the former - just like in the good old days. The Pantone fan conveys shades as reliably as possible, and does not distort them (as is the case with a digital image). In addition, it eliminates the error when the picture on the screen subtly differs from the same printed picture. Decorators and designers often use a fan when collaborating with clients and then transfer the chosen colors to digital projects.
  • Use exotic natural palettes. A landscape or still life from some distant country can be a real treasure trove of new color schemes. Exotic fruits and flowers, mountain and desert landscapes, tropical forests, lakes - all this is replete with successful color combinations, which nature itself has worked on - the best "designer" in the world.
  • Reduce the number of colors in the palette. The best option is 3-4 shades, of which one is the main one, one or two are friendly, and another one is contrasting. For example: blue (primary), cyan and turquoise (friendly) and black (contrasting). It is impossible to combine 5-6 or more colors in one palette, especially those that come into contrast with each other. It is better to work on the texture of existing 3-4 shades than to add new ones to them.

Another important tip is to choose a palette based on the design theme. “Beauty and fashion” is one topic, and “fitness and sports” is a completely different one. They require the use of completely different colors and their combinations. So, burgundy, pink and purple are optimally suited for the beauty sphere, and blue, yellow, bright red are optimal for the sports sphere. The same applies to any other areas, each of which is individual and requires its own color content.